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All That Butt

From the first moments of their encounter, Pheonix Fellington and Kylan Kiddo share space and interact with each other as if they’ve known each other their whole lives (down the line, we see that they fuck that way, too). They’re both oral, and Kylan Kiddo bottoms. Kylan, being the more verbal of the two, keeps the intensity up with his moans, to which Phoenix responds with harder strokes. They’re not moving into every room in the house; they pick one or two locations and make it their spot, and get to business, before ending with a mutual jackoff session. One more thing—folks with a special interest in dick size will enjoy this scene—these two are packing.

Date Added: June 1, 2024


 Photos, 16 min of video


Rating: 5.0/5.0

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